Monday, June 22, 2009

LIMELIGHT: Michael Cera

Chances are you have heard the name, Michael Cera before. If not, then clearly you need to remove yourself from whatever hole or rock you are hiding in. This awkwardly funny Canadian is starring in comedy after comedy, and there is no slowing down for him.

Cera’s new movie “Year One,” a Harold Ramis’ film, just released over the weekend, but it was Greg Mottola’s “Superbad” (2007) that launched this young actor’s career into hyper drive. Audiences are enthralled by Michael Cera’s dry humor. It is gut-splitting funny. We almost miss some of the jokes, because of the ease and calmness in which he delivers them.

Surely, Michael Cera is no comedian giant or legend yet, but he has a promising career to look forward to. If you don’t believe me, witness his “accidental” comedy for yourself by watching “Superbad” (2007), “Juno” (2007) or “Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist” (2008) for starters. Then work your way to "Arrested Development." And just to leave you with a little taste of Cera's talent, here’s a line from Nick and Norah:

“I think we both said some things we didn't mean, like... when you broke up with me... on my b-day.”

Ha, great. Awkward!


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

FILM REVIEW: Todd Phillips’s The Hangover

Picture “Superbad” (2007), but with an older Jonah Hill, Michael Cera and Christopher Mintz-Plasse playing the parts. Yes, that is right. I am comparing “The Hangover” (2009) to the uber popular “Superbad.” The Hangover is outrageously funny, offensive and at times, slightly disturbing.

From the very beginning, you are hooked to the question, What the hell happened last night? Almost reminds you of another movie centered on a forgotten memory, “Dude Where’s My Car?” (2000). Difference is the plot in “The Hangover” is far gone from being cheesy or stupid. Instead, the plot brings back nostalgic memories (or future memories inspired by this movie) of the reckless fun times you have had with your best buds.

And what makes this plot even sweeter is the clinger. Writers Jon Lucas and Scott Moore constantly feed the audience clues to what happened the night before, but with each clue, the night looks more and more bizarre and ridiculous. Only people with a sickly hilarious mind could concoct such shenanigans.

AND, praises must shower over the leading men who brought the scripted drunken misadventures to the big screen. Bradley Cooper plays the sexy and cool guy who encourages everyone to break loose in Vegas. Ed Helms (totally favors Christopher Mintz-Plasse aka Fogell) is the conservative square who bends to the laws of Vegas. And, we can’t forget the fat and somewhat off (not all his marbles are there) Zach Galifianakis who plays the black sheep character, Alan.

“The Hangover” is the perfect movie for you and your friends, or as the pre-game for your raucous trip with those best buds. It gets you in the mood to create a ton of memories, even if you may not remember them the next day (your pictures will).

Rating: 5 Roll-on-the-floor-Laughing out of 5


Excuse my Absence

Attention Readers:

Sorry for my absence. It's almost been a year! Not to worry though. I am back and in full force. Expect a new post soon on "The Hangover" (2009). And some updates on the page (layout, widgets, etc.)

Thank you for your patience.