Sunday, July 26, 2009

FILM REVIEW: Robert Luketic’s The Ugly Truth

For those of you, who lacked any faith in Katherine Heigl’s comedic potential, please stop worrying right…about…now. She is hilarious in “The Ugly Truth” (2009), along with Gerard Butler. The romantic comedy will bring tears to your eyes from laughing so hard. You may even gasp for breath.

The movie is daring with many of its scenes. No spoilers here, but expect your jaw to drop. Heigl gets herself into some funny and “oh-no” situations. Besides the comedic aspects, the romance does not get overlooked by the jokes. In fact, it is the meat of the story. Finding the perfect man, women obsessed with controlling love, men who fall below expectations, and the confusing dynamics in the man-woman relationship are running elements in the film. Writers Nicole Eastman, Karen McCullah Lutz and Kirsten Smith do not treat the heavy topics with the seriousness that is usually dedicated to such matters. Instead, they treat the problems faced when dating with a light-hearted and raunchy perspective.

And let’s not forget the over-whelming sex appeal Gerard Butler exudes. Maybe it is the Scottish accent or the devilish smile or it could be the manly man appeal. Whichever the reason, the female audience can not help but to swoon. Butler works really well with Heigl. The chemistry is present, and it is evident in their performance.

Take your boyfriend/girlfriend to see “The Ugly Truth.” It makes for a great date movie. Entertaining for both parties. The movie is also the perfect summer chick flick.

Rating: 4 Obnoxious Laughs out of 5


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