Saturday, September 26, 2009

FILM REVIEW: Anne Fontaine’s Coco Before Chanel

Coco Chanel is already an icon in fashion, but now she has been introduced to movie lovers everywhere. Anne Fontaine’s “Coco Before Chanel” (2009) gives a look into the life of the young woman before she set the standards of chic and classy. The movie is sophisticated, smart and beautiful while keeping raw and edgy elements.

Sure, the entire movie is in French and you are stuck reading subtitles, but that does not detract from the emotional and cutesy scenes. The audience will witness the determination and fire burning inside a young woman, the relationship between two sisters, the troubles of loving outside a social class, the boundaries and classifications created for women and men, and the need for independence. It is a biography meets documentary meets coming of age story.

Audrey Tautou transforms for the role. She incorporates quirky and strong traits from her characters in “Amélie” (2001) and “The Da Vinci Code” (2006). Tautou is amazing as Gabrielle 'Coco' Chanel. She breathes life into a vintage icon for a new generation. Young women will be inspired to follow their dreams, and to break free from limitations and opposition. They will want to be fierce and fearless like Chanel. They will want to make their own name. Women may even want to burn their bras, learn to speak French, and pick up a pair of scissors and a sewing kit.

“Coco Before Chanel” is a definite must-see for all young women, Chanel No. 5 fans, couture lovers, and aspiring clothing designers. This movie is for anyone who wants independence, or just enjoys an intriguing biography. Go with your girlfriends, or make it a mother-daughter movie night. See the movie, and then go shopping.

Rating: 4 Applauds out of 5


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