Monday, September 7, 2009

FILM REVIEW: Final Destination 3D vs. Halloween 2

“The Final Destination” (2009) may be leading in the box office, but are audiences walking away from the theater more satisfied from “Halloween 2” (2009) or “The Finale Destination” (2009)?

This time around, “death saved the best for 3D.” Typical to the Final Destination series, there are explosions, imaginative gory deaths, and bad gut feelings. However, there is really nothing special going on. Sure it raves that this installment is in 3D, but seriously, director David R. Ellis could have done better. There is definitely not enough in-your-face action. Wearing 3D glasses for almost two hours, audiences want more than a few every so often objects (including organs) to duck from. The opening car crash scene is about all we can expect to get good use out of 3D. Besides the disappointment, The Final Destination is still fun to watch. And it makes me feel better that the ending is different.

Rating: 3 ½ Duck-and-Screams out of 5

Rob Zombie does justice to the horror series. “Halloween 2” (2009) is a mentally disturbing, gory and gritty slasher film. It is a psychological thriller with graphically violent elements; think “Silence of the Lambs” (1991) meets tons of blood. Audience get a sense of how Michael Myers came to be the most feared murderer in the film, and how his killing spree affects persons involved. The film does not just present us with this crazed psycho killer, but it shows us a man who is desperate to reunite with his dead mother. Also, the other characters in the film seem more realistic. Laurie Strode has to see a psychiatrist. Dr. Samuel Loomis is motivated by greed. Not so happy-go-lucky in this flick.

Rating: 4 ½ Blood-curdling Screams out of 5

Looks like Rob Zombie’s “Halloween 2” (2009) wins. Which movie do you prefer?


1 comment:

O.Christine said...

i'd say H2 wins as well ... FD had no meat in its plot, organs maybe...but no substance

-- ur reviews always rock! give us more!