Monday, August 18, 2008

FILM REVIEW: Ben Stiller’s “Tropic Thunder”

Thank You! Ben Stiller for this piss-in-my-pants comedy. This is what I am taking about when I beg for a good summer comedy. The cast, the plot, the script, the chemistry … the stars must have been aligned during production. It’s been seven years since Ben Stiller last sat in a director’s chair (“Zoolander”) and by all means if he needed that recess time to find this Holy Grail, then kudos to him.

First, let me point out the “fake” movie trailers featuring the characters from “Tropic Thunder.” The trailers played right after the coming attractions and right before the movie (“Death Proof” and “Planet Terror” flashback, anyone?). It was like an appetizer, and it gave a good pre-taste of what the audience was in for. Especially Robert Downey Jr.’s (as Kirk Lazarus) “Brokeback Mountain” meets Friar Tuck trailer, haha too funny.

Next, the acting … the acting, the acting, the acting … am I stressing it enough? The spoofs, the innuendos, the stereotyping and the self-defacing jokes just made a complete package. I won’t talk too much about it, simply because I don’t want to ruin any of the jokes by retelling them wrong or hyping it up only for it not to deliver in the movies for you. So with that, let me just applaud, no, give a standing ovation for Stiller, Downey Jr., Black, Baruchel and Jackson.

Oh, and might I add, Baruchel is a hottie-in-the-making, especially if you are attracted to the whole nerd thing (think Henry from "Ugly Betty"). However, Downey Jr. was way hotter in "Iron Man" with his divine physique, sex appeal and oooo the facial hair.

Just know, you will leave the theater quoting this movie and reliving every moment of it.
Great movie experience, I suggest go with some friends or your family (no one younger than 16 though or you might find yourself having to explain certain jokes … talk about awkward).

Rating: 5 Fall-on-the-Floor Laughs out of 5


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