Friday, August 29, 2008

FILM REVIEW: Mathieu Kassovitz’s “Babylon A.D.”

Think the “Fifth Element” (1997) and “Children of Men” (2006) on steroids. It is set in the future, all of life lay in the hands of a random woman and we need a man "angry at the world" with a hot bod to save us. Woooo for clichés, are there no original screenplays out there?

“Babylon A.D.” is a sci-fi flick mixed with some action offering up numerous awkward moments between Vin Diesel and his co-star Mélanie Thierry. I am not saying the movie is not worth your money. What I am saying is do not expect too much from it. I went to the midnight showing thinking the theater would be packed, and lo and behold, it was not. Sorry Vin, I guess the trailer was not convincing enough. We will have to wait until Sunday to see how much money the movie will make.

Besides all the negativity, “Babylon A.D.” has its good points, the action mainly. Diesel and Michelle Yeoh (and sometimes even Thierry) are amazing. Diesel brings the muscle “kick your ass” fighting style and Yeoh is more graceful with her martial arts. There are some explosions, gun shots (actually quite a few) and everything else you can expect from an action flick.

The one thing I am surprised about is the lack of sex in the movie. I mean hello. Vin is hot and Frenchie Theirry is gorgeous, it seems inevitable. However, we do get a taste of some passion. But, that is all it is, a taste. More like a tease if you will.

Overall, a cool flick to see during the Labor Day weekend before going back to school or work.

Rating: 3 Punches out of 5


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